From the Easel to the Storage Rack...


Working through a painting I hit all those stages we all know: Good idea, great start! Maybe not a good idea… Stop wasting time on this one. Maybe not as bad as I thought! Hey, this one turned out good! Then it comes back from a gallery, or a competition or it doesn't even make it into a competition or juried exhibition. The painting racks are full of such pieces. And then some that went straight from the easel to the storage rack... 

There comes the gamut of emotions when creating art. I insist to myself that I paint strictly for myself, but even there I have my doubts. Being in my profession I show up everyday and put my hours in. Some hours are filled with real spiritual rewards, others come closer to torture. Struggling with colors or getting paint to leave the brush just right can be grueling. It is the image in my head that causes all these emotions. I forget what it takes to get the image I see in my head to a finished painting. Once I understand the struggle ahead of me though, it vanishes and there is nothing but the joy of the process. At times I have to stop and talk to myself. I am teacher and student at such moments. Other voices aid me with some creations.

I've had three great teachers over my career. I would love to discuss this struggle with other artists.